2025 Bowral - Term 1 Junior Competitions

START DATE FOR TERM 1 Week beginning 10/02/2025
Junior tennis Competitions at Bowral Tennis Club are played weekday afternoons.They are graded competitions and are designed to provide a progressive pathway for players of all ages and standards. Comp cost per term for 2025 is $132
1. Thursday afternoon (Div 3) is the beginner/intermediate grade stage of structured competition.
SKILL LEVEL REQUIREMENTS: Players should be able to successfully serve 5 out of 10 serves into play. Players are beginning to rally successfully. The competition is fully supervised.
2. Monday afternoon (Div 2) is the Intermediate grade. Players at this level can serve proficiently, rally successfully and are beginning to play tactically. They understand the rules and ettiquette of the game. The competition is fully supervised.
3. Friday afternoon (Div 1) - Advanced level competition. Players are able to rally consistently are continuing to developed tactical skills in point play. Players are using spin, placement and developing power. Competition is fully supervised.
All our comps provide the opportunity to learn and develop skills in a fun yet competitive environment. The social aspect is also an important factor and is encouraged as it increases the enjoyment for all our players.
All Competition players are also eligible to particiate in our group training squads.
Thursday & Monday comp players are eligible for the 4.30pm Tuesday session (1 hour)
To register for squad training please contact Susie on 0417 308 457 and she will book you in.
NOTE: we are registered to accept government 'ACTIVE KIDS' vouchers as payment towards any of our Junior programmes. Just bring it with you when registering in the Pro Shop and use it as a credit towards your registration OR if you have entered online to receive the online discount you can email the voucher to Susie at tsfc@bigpond.com and include your child's date of birth and your bank details for a refund directly to your account.